Dr. Jud on NPR: Coronavirus Panic: How To Get Your Thinking Brain Back Online

Toilet paper hoarding. Obsessive cleaning. News bingeing. Sometimes panic can be as contagious as a virus. Life Kit host Shereen Marisol Meraji spoke with Dr. Jud about what’s going on in the brain when we’re anxious, how to get our “thinking brains” back online, and how not doing anything can actually be helpful to those around us. … Read more

Dr. Jud on the London Real Podcast: How to Stay Mentally Strong During the COVID-19 Pandemic

In this episode, Dr. Jud explains how our minds and brains work, why there is so much anxiety now, and how social contagion spreads. He describes what people can do to interrupt their pattern of anxiety and offers helpful strategies to improve mental and emotional well-being during times of uncertainty.   Listen to the podcast … Read more

Dr. Jud on Dr. Chatterjee’s Podcast: Coronavirus Special

As the world goes into lockdown to help manage the global pandemic of Coronavirus, many people are feeling anxious. This conversation has been recorded to help people deal with the anxiety that they are currently experiencing. Many people feel scared and helpless, which is completely understandable. In this episode, Dr. Jud will help you understand … Read more

Dr. Jud on the Making Sense Podcast: The Unquiet Mind

In this episode of the Making Sense podcast, Sam Harris speaks with Dr. Jud about addiction, craving, and mindfulness. They discuss the nature of reward-based learning, the role of subjective bias in addiction, the neuroscience of craving, the neural correlates of the sense of self, real-time neuroimaging, effort and effortlessness in meditation, smoking cessation through … Read more

Dr. Jud on the You Are Not So Smart Podcast: Escaping the Black Hole of Anxiety

In this sprawling, strange, and mind-bending episode, Dr. Jud, a neuroscientist and addiction psychiatrist, discusses the biological origins of our anxiety and negative habits and how we can change them using new techniques derived from his lab. From mindfulness to meditation to psychedelics to why we get stuck browsing the Netflix menu until we run … Read more

Dr. Jud on the Dr. Drew Podcast

Listen to Dr. Jud on the Dr. Drew podcast sharing about the art and science of behavioral change grounded in science.   Listen to the podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, or online here.

Dr. Jud on the GOOP Podcast: Why We Crave

We’re all addicts, according to Dr. Jud.  Consider our everyday habits—scrolling through Instagram, stress-eating, sugar, more sugar. Our habits, Dr. Jud says, run our lives. And we get fooled into thinking we need just a little more willpower to make a change, quit smoking, drop an addiction. But willpower is finite and often not enough. … Read more

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