Hacking Your Brain for Better Health

Start date: April 17, 2020
End date: April 19, 2020
Time: 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Location: Bay Area, California
We are creatures of habit. We often find ourselves repeating habits uncontrollably, whether constantly checking social media, binge eating, smoking, excessive drinking, worrying, or getting caught up in other self-defeating behaviors that disconnect us from ourselves and others. Why are bad habits so hard to overcome? Is there a key to conquering the cravings we […]

How to Tap Into Your Mind’s Potential to Break Bad Habits

Start date: May 29, 2020
End date: May 31, 2020
Time: 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Location: Omega Institute, Rheinbeck, NY
We are all vulnerable to craving. Whether it’s a compulsion to check social media, binge eat, smoke, drink, feed anxious thought loops, or any other behavior we may find ourselves uncontrollably repeating. Why are bad habits so hard to overcome? When and how does willpower fail? Is there a key to conquering the cravings we […]

China Mindfulness Application and Development Summit

Start date: October 26, 2019
End date: October 27, 2019
Time: 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Location: Beijing, China
The word “Mindfulness” has been embedding in people’s mind for almost 9 years, when the series of mindfulness programs i.e. Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) were introduced to China since 2011.  So far, over 200 Chinese mindfulness teachers were trained and qualified under the system of UMASS Medical School Center for […]


Date: January 15, 2021
Time: 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Location: Virtual
Through a combination of conceptual learning and direct experiential exercises, this workshop will teach practical tools for anyone looking to bring together a deep understanding of how their mind works with tangible tools for habit change. Integrating both ancient wisdom and discoveries from modern science, we will explore how habits are formed as well as how […]


Date: October 15, 2019
Time: 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Keynote speech on the future of mental health

2-day Habit Change Training Workshop in Hong Kong

Start date: October 27, 2019
End date: October 28, 2019
Time: 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Location: Hong Kong
We are creatures of habit. We often find ourselves repeating habits uncontrollably, whether constantly checking social media, binge eating, smoking, excessive drinking or worrying. Why are bad habits so hard to overcome? Is there a key to conquering the cravings we know are unhealthy for us? How can we cultivate habits that support our health […]

2-day Habit Change Training Workshop

Start date: October 24, 2019
End date: October 25, 2019
Time: 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Location: Beijing, China
Learn how to break addictive patterns, reduce stress, and live a fuller life with Judson Brewer. 被欲望支配暴饮暴食,吸烟,过度饮酒,陷入手机社交软件。我们会发现自己有些行为像是不受控制的不断重复。 为什么坏习惯难以克服? 我们能否了解我们的思维是如何运作的? 我们能否 找到一个答案来解决不受控制的行为? 如何在与欲望之战中 获得胜利? 成为有执行力的人杰森·布鲁工作坊我们将会了解我们的思维是如何从基础理论到付诸实践 在多个层面上工作 我们如何利用夸奖去鼓励正向行为 并以此在现实中摆脱负向行为。 我们将学习如何建立我们自己的感知、仁慈和好奇的能力 将由Brewer博士分享自己的经验 将静观与Brewer博士实验室最新科学成果相结合 在这个工作坊中为我们带来战胜欲望、减轻压力和焦虑、增加自我同情心的教学课程 让每个人过着更充实的生活。 坏习惯戒断工作坊你可以收获形成习惯的大脑机制是什么;通过对自己内在仔细的观察,提高辨别和检查自己心理变化过程的能; 把以经验为基础的科学理念应用到个人实践和教学中去; 解释静观是如何影响大脑活动路径的。 大脑和行为过程之间的基本联系;奖励式学习机制; 奖励式学习过程的跟踪和监测; 确定特定的学习奖励以阻止非健康习惯的养成; 利用内在奖励的方法 走出不良习惯 并且养成新习惯。 你可以明白适合人群渴望改正因压力而养成的坏习惯的人群(如暴饮暴食、吸烟、手机软件成瘾等行为)希望加深对成瘾行为的理解和大脑机制分析体验的临床医生和治疗师 《渴望的心灵从香烟到智能手机再到爱 为什么我们会陷入困境 以及我们如何打破恶习》 演讲链接: https://www.ted.com/talks/judson_brewer_a_simple_way_to_break_a_bad_habit 课前准备杰森●布鲁 讲师介绍  Judson A. Brewer, MD PhD  杰森·布鲁布朗大学静观研究与创新中心主任,布朗大学公共卫生学院心理学副教授,布朗大学沃伦·阿尔伯特医学院副教授,国际著名精神病医学家、作家和神经科学家。 […]

Mindfulness-Based Behavior Change Facilitator Training

Start date: October 2, 2019
End date: November 27, 2019
Time: 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Location: Online

Join Dr. Jud Brewer and Robin Boudette, PhD and learn how to accelerate behavior change in your patients and clients using a combination of digital guidance and in-person facilitation.

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