2-day Habit Change Training Workshop in Hong Kong

Start date: October 27, 2019
End date: October 28, 2019
Time: 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Location: Hong Kong

We are creatures of habit. We often find ourselves repeating habits uncontrollably, whether constantly
checking social media, binge eating, smoking, excessive drinking or worrying. Why are bad habits so
hard to overcome? Is there a key to conquering the cravings we know are unhealthy for us? How can we
cultivate habits that support our health and happiness? The workshop will deliver practical tools for
clinicians and therapists looking to deepen their understanding of the behavioral and brain mechanisms
underlying habit formation as well as individuals hoping to break stress-producing habits.

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Use code DRDREW2019 to get 20% off programs for anxiety, over-eating, or smoking cessation. Scroll down to learn more about the programs.
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Welcome Psychologists Off The Clock listeners!
Use code OFFTHECLOCK to get 20% off programs for anxiety, over-eating, or smoking cessation. Scroll down to learn more about the programs.