Smoking Cessation Dos And Don’ts For Effective Quitting

Smoking is an addiction. And when thinking about quitting smoking, certain steps have to be followed in order to successfully overcome the unrelenting habit of wanting to smoke and be free from the addiction once and for all.

Of course, the first step to smoking cessation is a conscious effort of the person to quit. But if it comes to a point where he or she may face the challenging ordeal of a relapse, the family and friends will have to intervene to ensure the smoker will stay on track on his/her path to long-term and complete abstinence.

So take time in reading this entry as we have compiled a list of smoking cessation dos and don’ts so you can provide the best support to the person who wants to stop smoking.


The Dos:

(General Guidelines):

cutting smoking smoking cessation dos donts

  1. You have to respect and understand that the quitter is always in charge and that this process of lifestyle change, as well as the challenges they may face, will be their personal journey towards abstinence.
  2. Always ask the quitter about how they are doing, the feelings they have during the process, and if they are doing progress.
  3. Always give assurance to the quitter that it’s okay to talk if they need some words of encouragement.
  4. Influence the quitter to engage in any activities that will take their mind off from smoking.
  5. Put yourself in their shoes to understand how hard it is to quit smoking.
  6. For family members, see to it that your home is smoke-free to take the quitter’s mind away from the act of smoking.
  7. Likewise as part of this list of smoking cessation dos and don’ts, do clean clothes, carpets, and other things that have the smell of tobacco to prevent the quitter from smoking.

(In Case They Puffed A Cigarette Or 2):

  1. Remind the quitter how long they have gone without puffing a single stick.
  2. Remind the quitter about their reasons for quitting.
  3. Provide support and reassure them that they are still a “quitter” despite smoking a stick or 2.

(In Case Of A Relapse):

  1. Praise the quitter’s efforts to stop smoking.
  2. Assure the quitter that they haven’t failed and that they are still learning how to quit smoking effectively.
  3. Offer words of encouragement that not being able to succeed for the first time is just part of the process. Re-assure your support to the quitter and inspire them to try again.


The Donts:

cigarette butt smoking cessation dos donts

(General Guidelines):

  1. Never doubt the quitter’s ability to quit.
  2. Don’t judge the quitter nor show negative reactions such as nagging, preaching, and scolding as this will only make them feel worse about themselves and may likely to puff a smoke just to soothe their hurt.
  3. If the quitter shows grumpiness, don’t take it personally as this is just a symptom of withdrawal and it’s expected to get better in 2 weeks’ time.

(In Case They Puffed A Cigarette Or 2):

  1. Never assume that they will immediately go back to their old habit of smoking.
  2. Don’t make them feel guilty by teasing, scolding, nagging, or blaming. It’s better to show to them that you care.

(In Case Of A Relapse):

  1. And lastly in this list of smoking cessation dos and don’ts, never, never offer the quitter cigarettes or any kind of tobacco as a joke.


Need some help with your smoking habit? Visit Craving to Quit today and let us show you how to break that addiction with our app-based behavior change programs.

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